EVENT rentals


Place your brand on events or enhance your stage performance

with the lightwall system of HEILIGHT RENTAL.

Brand placement


The HEILIGHT RENTAL lightwall system is ideal for making the value of your brand perceptible. The eye of customers and guests automatically goes to luminous areas and thus increases the attention. 


The lightwall system is also especially suitable for limited promotions in public spaces.

Leuchtrahmen Messe Design Messestand Miete

Leuchtrahmen Messe Design Messestand Miete



We offer all one-stop: Planning and creation of custom graphics (optional), transports and assembly and dismantling. Please note that a supervisor of our team always has to accompany assembly and dismantling (if you want to do this on your own).


As you buy the prints showing your customized graphics, you can just take the printed graphics back home after the event and reuse it. Alternatively we, of course, take care of the disposal to make your experience with us even more stress-free. The system can be rented in 0,50 m and 1,20 m steps.



Here you will find the complete list of accessory products and additional options:



TV holder

Racks(transparent plastics)

Brochure display stands (with universal rail), aluminium powder-coated

Magnetic holders

Storage room with door (no lock)